
Let’s say

bye to PMS

Decode the signs your body is sending and enjoy a happier you throughout the entire cycle.

Join the Inner Circle aka The Newsletter

I wouldn’t even label it as just a newsletter… It’s more like the wisdom I wish I’d gotten from the women in my life, from the education system, from the world, everything a woman needs to know to live more connected to her cycle — all packed into one place.

Are you tired of asking yourself "what the heck is happening with my body?"

Your period is
your 5th vital sign

Just as we monitor pulse, temperature, respiration, and blood pressure to gauge overall well-being, understanding your menstrual cycle provides crucial insights into your reproductive and overall health.

✓ Understand your period and you understand your body.

Navigating the four phases of your natural cycle as a woman is key to maintaining balance and avoiding potential chaos in your life.

Meet your
go-to gal for all things
menstrual cycles

Hey! I’m Teo, a menstrual cycle & hormone coach on a mission to bring the topic of menstrual cycles into mainstream wellness.

You might be wondering, how did I end up here? Ready for the story? 

As women, we often overcomplicate things. Let's break that pattern and simplify it for once.

Pillar 1: Eat

It’s not just about what you eat, it’s about nourishing your body in a way that aligns with its natural cyclical rhythm.

Embracing a cyclical approach to eating means enjoying more variety in your nutrition and choosing to consume more seasonal foods. These are foods that are in sync with the environment where you live. I encourage syncing foods with the outer seasons rather than only with your inner seasons. 

Think about it. Eating strawberries every time you ovulate and watermelon every month during your period is not nutritionally beneficial if these foods are not in season where you live. I do encourage adjusting the way you prepare food based on how hormones impact appetite, digestion and your blood sugar balance. 

So rather than adding more rules and create exhaustion, we work with what is available and in season in your environment at each time in the year. With this approach, tailoring your diet to support your hormones at each stage of the cycle becomes second nature, seamlessly integrating this plan into your daily routine.

✔ More nourishment

✔ Faster groceries

✔ Easier meal planning

✔ Variety

✔ Less cravings

✔ Stable blood sugar levels

✔ Less inflamation

✔ Sustained energy

Pillar 2: Move

Breaking free from the monotony of the same workout each week is essential to avoid burnout, plateau and boredom.

There had to be a more sustainable way to workout than the two extremes that we are used to: the hardcore no-pain-no-gain approach or the gentle pink dumbbell workouts. 

Firstly, breaking free from the monotony of the same workout routine each week is essential to avoid burnout, plateaus, boredom, and the desire to skip workout days. Men are equipped to follow the same routine every day when their natural rhythms reset every single day. As it turns out, us women can use the hormones in your menstrual cycle to our advantage and speed up the exercise results. By embracing our cyclical nature we work out smarter not harder.

Secondly, women should lift heavy weights. Yes, you heard me right. Why should you care about strength training for your hormonal heath? Two words: Lean muscle. This is the kind of muscle that makes you look toned and defined, not big and bulky and which helps you keep blood sugar in balance, keep your hormones in balance and prevent osteoporosis in the years leading up to menopause.

Strength training sits at the core of my approach to movement. 

✔ No exercise burnout

✔ Rest without guilt

✔ Sustained energy

✔ No shame

✔ More consistency

✔ Better results

✔ Healthier body image

Pillar 3: Work

Recognise the hormonal shifts and schedule your work tasks in such a way to leverage the strengths of each phase of the cycle.

The 9 to 5 schedule was designed with men’s bodies in mind, and as women, we often find ourselves fitting into a workspace mold created for them. 

However, our bodies operate differently. At the same time, our cultural conditioning wrongly suggests that our hormones negatively impact our capabilities at work. While hormones do influence how we think, feel, and connect with others, they don’t make any day or week less capable for women than men in work-related capacities.

 Syncing the way you work means recognizing these hormonal shifts and scheduling your days to align with your hormones. By doing so, you can make your hormones work for you.

✔ Sustained energy

✔ More creativity

✔ More productivity

✔ Healthy boundaries

Pillar 4: Live

Understand your emotions, set healthy boundaries, care for your needs and build compassion towards yourself.

Have you ever found yourself excited about making social plans, whether it’s brunch with friends, a night out, a day trip, or a concert, only to suddenly feel like staying home when the day arrives? 

One of the reasons behind this shift might be tied to the fluctuations in your menstrual cycle. Hormones impact our moods and desire to be by ourselves or surrounded with people. They impact the way we show up in relationships. 

When you get to understand these hormonal shifts everything starts to make sense. With the right strategies, you’re able to set healthy boundaries, articulate the different moods you experience, care for your needs and build compassion towards yourself.

✔ Healthy boundaries

✔ Healthier relationships

✔ Less mood swings

✔ Improved self-care

✔ More fun

✔ Manageable social calendar