
Reconnect with
your body

and say

bye to PMS

Plus I’ll share with you 2 tips that you can already apply today and start feeling better ↓

My dear,

If you want to jump on the other side and feel what it should really feel like living in a female body without the mood swings, crazy cravings, cramps, and swollen legs that show up unexpectedly every month before your period,

Then this course is going to change your life and your relationship with yourself forever.  

Here’s why: 

I’m Teo and about 7 years ago I was suffering from severe PMS without even realizing that my symptoms were even connected to my menstrual cycle. I only knew about my period, completely unaware of the other phases of my cycle. I thought my symptoms were random. My unpredictability confused me and those around me, leaving me without answers.

Then, I started hearing from other women that they also suffered from these symptoms. It was common. I tried to go the conventional route and I looked for answers in the healthcare practitioners’ offices but all I heard back was that it’s PMS, and it’s normal. 

How could feeling like this be normal?

I did the math: With 13 periods a year, feeling awful for a week each cycle, for about 40 of my menstruating years, that adds up to 10 full years of misery. That can’t be normal. 

I was so confident in my belief that PMS is not normal that I started talking openly about it. Yet everywhere I looked, women were all complaining about the same symptoms, but they accepted them because they were told the same thing: “it’s normal”. 

If you’re like me and you truly believe your body’s main goal is to keep you feeling good, then you know that your responsibility is simply to give it the right nutrients and environment so that it can do its job: keep you happy. 

When you’re doing something that is not helping your body be in that state of balance, your body will start to give you symptoms such as PMS. Symptoms are simply the sign language your body uses to tell you that you are doing something wrong. 

Fast forward to today, the headaches, the cramps and the mood swings are in the past. No longer popping a blister pack of pills every month. My moods are predictable and because I understand the impact of hormone fluctuations on my moods, motivation and energy levels, I can predict and plan things a lot better. 

So I gave my insights to other women suffering from unpredictable cycles and PMS symptoms. And it worked. One by one, their symptoms reduced from one cycle to the next. 

It felt too good to be true but it was years of hard work being boiled down into the simplest most easy to understand plan possible.

My formula goes down to two pillars of work: nutrition and waste

Nutrition = not just about what you feed your body: it’s also about what you feed your mind and soul. Nutritious food, strong relationships, positive thoughts, self-talk, an abundant mindset, alignment with your purpose and values. All of it builds who you are and contributes to how your body feels. 

Waste = everything you clear out from your body, mind, and soul. Let go of toxic products, processed foods, unhealthy relationships, negative thoughts, and ego. Think about detoxifying through exercise and practices that help your body release what it doesn’t need.

It’s all my work throughout the years that I simplified in the simplest format possible. 

And now, it’s all yours. 

So here’s what you’ll learn: 

Check out what other women say about The Sync Way community

Here's what you get when you enroll today:

Bye PMS Club Course

Value: 499 €

Video Lessons on how to:

Printable Handout:

+ Bonus Bundle

Value: 199 €

Reflection Playlist – a music playlist to complement your reflection exercise and help you deepen the connection with yourself. 

Bye Period Cramps Booklet – including natural remedies to ease period cramps and my favorite anti-inflammatory dessert recipes.

References – an interactive document with all sources referenced in the program in one place and suggestions for further learning.


Holistic Menstrual Cycle Tracker – designed in G-Sheets to capture your daily cycle tracking. Includes video tutorial and cheat sheets.  

+ Exclusive Community

Value: 99 €

Exclusive Facebook Group – Bonus tips, continuous support, pool of meals for each type of PMS, recipes sharing, fun and accountability.

Total Value: 797 €

Yours today for only: 149 €

Best value

149 One-time payment*
  • Bye PMS Club Course
  • + Bonus Bundle
  • + Exclusive Community

It’s not something that I just teach. 

This formula is what I still apply to this day. 

I do it myself

And I talk about it across all my channels

Any questions? Here is what other women have asked before clicking enroll.

Absolutely! One small note: if your monthly cycle falls within the range of 24 to 36 days consistently, with only minor deviations of 1-3 days from cycle to cycle, then you likely have a regular cycle. However, if you’ve experienced more than three cycles where the deviation exceeds 4-5 days between each cycle, it suggests irregularity in your cycles.

In the Bye PMS Club, we focus on nurturing four key areas crucial for hormone health: nutrition, physical health, emotional and spiritual. By implementing positive changes in these aspects of your life, you’ll be creating better hormonal balance and encouraging your menstrual cycle to become more regular. Remember: a regular menstrual cycle is the response to healthy choices. 

Don’t worry about it! It is not a pre-requirement. You will learn how to track during this program. And if you’re already tracking your cycle: that’s fantastic! We’ll build upon the foundation you’ve already laid. This program centers around menstrual cycle tracking, which is an incredibly powerful tool for self-awareness and empowerment. Menstrual tracking involves more than keeping a record of your period. We track the physical and emotional changes experienced throughout the cycle. Through consistent tracking, you will develop a deeper understanding of your body and unique menstrual patterns and trends. 

Consider your health as a table; imagine one of its legs is constantly wobbling. Achieving balance means stabilizing your health. This balance rests on four pillars: nutrition, physical activity, emotional well-being, and spiritual alignment. However, many methods tend to concentrate only on the nutritional and physical aspects, overlooking the significant influence of stress levels, relationship dynamics, living conditions, and environment on the overall cycle. This program is built using a diverse range of techniques, including cycle awareness, habit formation, repairing the relationship with your cycle, systematic dietary and lifestyle adjustments, and stress management. Methods that lack an integrative approach to health are unlikely to create sustainable long-term results.

Through this program, you’ll gain insight into the root causes of your symptoms, learn how to manage and alleviate them, and develop an understanding of your body’s workings and the pivotal role of the menstrual cycle in your life. While I can’t make the decision for you whether this program is the right fit, if you’re here on this page, something within you is seeking answers. Trust that you’re in the right place.

Absolutely! This program isn’t a meal plan, but it does include food recommendations that fit any dietary preference. The dessert recipes in the Bonus booklet are suitable for both vegans and vegetarians.

This course is self-paced, so you can watch the videos and complete the exercises at your own speed. If you binge all the videos, you could finish in 3-4 hours. However, I suggest breaking down the lessons as guided in the videos and letting the information sink in for a deeper understanding. You’ll have access to the course for 12 months after enrolling.

Since everyone’s body is unique, I can’t provide a definite time frame, but generally, students tend to notice results within the first 30 to 60 days when they fully commit to the program they complete all assignments.

I am committed to ensuring your satisfaction to the best of our ability, within reasonable limits. If you do not see results after 90 days after completing the program, I will provide a full refund and allow you to keep the handouts*.

*To qualify for a refund, you must be able to prove that you have been tracking your cycle throughout the program, and you have completed the assignments. You can keep the Handouts and the printable materials for free. If you have any questions or concerns, or if there is anything we can do to improve your experience, please reach out to Teo at teo@thesyncway.com

Are you ready for change?

+ Bonus Bundle

Value: 199 €

+ Access to the Community​​

Value: 99 €